From where?
Exact location
To where?
Exact location
What is the commodity?
What is the quantity?
What are the dimensions?
Length, width, height, and weight are required. Ideally, a photo of the load will also be required. If it’s an earth-moving machine, the make and model will suffice.
If the load is static:
Will loading and offloading be required? If the load is a machine, is the machine in working condition?
Is insurance of the cargo required while in transit?
It is recommended for the client to arrange their own insurance. Alternatively, we can quote on an ADHOC basis.
Cross Border Transport:
From where?
Exact location
To where?
Exact location
What is the commodity?
What is the quantity?
What are the dimensions?
Exact length, width, height, and weight are required. Ideally, a photo of the load will also be required. If it’s an earth-moving machine, the make and model will suffice.
If the load is static:
Will loading and offloading be required? If the load is a machine, is the machine in working condition?
Is insurance of the cargo required in transit?
It is recommended for the client to arrange their own insurance. Alternatively, we can quote on an ADHOC basis.
Do you require us to arrange export clearance?
If so, we will require the commercial invoice (with valid exporter’s code) and packing list for the cargo.
Does the load require a police clearance?
Is there a specific border post the client needs us to enter at the final destination country?
Who is the clearing agent handling importation into the final destination border?
NB: Consignee is responsible for arranging final clearance and duties payable, as well as any import permits/clearances specifically required.
Is there any specific document required to form part of the PODs (Proof Of Delivery)?
If cargo is arriving by Sea Freight:
When is the cargo expected to arrive?
Will port charges and customs clearance be arranged?
If not, we can quote and arrange accordingly on an ADHOC basis.
If the client is arranging the clearance:
We will require the original Landing Order to arrange a booking and collect cargo from port.
If the client requires us to handle port charges and clearance:
We will require the Bill Of Lading, ANF (Arrival Notification Form), packing list, and invoice in order to quote and arrange accordingly.
Quotations are always subject to availability.